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10 Things Its Very Easy to Dislike About Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is, hands down, one of my favorite artists. I just adore her, and I don’t even care if she’s younger than me or if I’m too ‘old’ to enjoy her music. I don’t hate what she stands for, I don’t hate that she’s someone who has managed to keep herself out of trouble in Hollywood despite being just a child when she became a star. So many others are not capable of doing that, and if people want to hate her for making music about the boys she dates and seeming a bit immature for her age, I don’t care. I think that she’s the only artist around right now I don’t mind my kids listening to or watching, and she’s just adorable. It seems, however, that those are precisely the reasons so many people dislike Taylor Swift. And I’m not saying you have to like her or even enjoy her music; it’s a free country and we’re all entitled to her opinion. And even though I personally adore her, I can see why some people might find it so easy to dislike Taylor Swift; and here are 10 things I think that people find easy to dislike about her.

She’s Gorgeous

Without confidence, it’s easy to hate on those who are totally gorgeous. And really, how often have you seen Taylor Swift look anything less than completely gorgeous? Even when she’s not dressed up and she’s hanging out in her glasses and no makeup, she looks amazing. Easy to hate her for that, right?

She’s Successful

I’m almost 32 and she’s in her mid-20s or something like that, and she’s a multi-bazillionaire known by everyone all over the world. It’s easy to hate on her success, especially since she’s had it since she was a teenager. I can see it. I can also see how she must be very proud of herself, she works hard and she does not ever stop earning her success.

She’s Crossed Over

This is a touchy one for country fans. Not everyone likes a crossover artist who begins as a country star and eventually works her way over to pop, but I think in all fairness she was always a bit of both. She’s always been someone whose music was played on Top 40 even though it was country stuff, so why hate on someone for being so good she can conquer so many different levels of her career?

She Talks about Her Exes

For some reason, people find it horrendous that she uses her music to talk about the boys she’s dated. Ladies and gentlemen, artists use the people and experiences in their life to create their work. Her music is successful, and these boys know she’s going to write about them, so it’s their own problem if they decide to date her anyways. And honestly; are we more upset that Taylor Swift talks about boys who broke her heart than we are about the last minute of Nicki Minaj’s “Anaconda” (the explicit version)? If you’re going to hate on music that talks about people, there are plenty of other artists that might be a bit worse.

She’s Dated a Lot

So what? She’s a young woman and she’s single; she can date as much as she chooses. In fact, she probably dates just as much, if not more or less, than other girls her own age. But other girls her age don’t have famous faces and end up with their relationships all over the media, so they don’t look like serial daters. But I guess she could just marry the next mane she dates and then end up divorced in a year. I can see how that would be preferable to just dating around until she finds someone she wants to spend her life with, you know?

She likes to Dress Up

Who doesn’t? We all like to dress up, and she just happens to have more reasons for it than we do. And for those that are hating on the fact that she always looks perfect, so what? I don’t leave my house unless my mirror dictates I look my absolute best simply because that’s what makes me feel good and confident, so why can’t TS?

Her Music Plays all the Time

Now this one I get. Even I get a little bit tired of hearing the same songs on repeat 50 times a day, and it does get a bit grating, but it goes for every artist. The most popular artists with the most fun music can be played out and it can make you say things like, “I’m so tired of Taylor Swift songs!” in a heartbeat. But, again, it’s not just her music. It’s all music played too much.

Shake it Off is on Repeat in All Parent’s Cars

As a mother of four young children, I list to a lot of Shake it Off and Blank Space and Today was a Fairytale in my car. My kids love Taylor Swift, and I’m happy that they do. At least they’re not singing along to other music when it comes on, and I never have to worry about hearing my kids use inappropriate language that Taylor Swift taught them. In fact, I don’t mind these songs on repeat in my car when they’re with me, but I can see how that would make you feel a bit blind with rage on a trip lasting longer than 10 minutes.

She has the Cutest Cats

Is there anything more annoying that how cute Taylor Swift’s cats really are? I mean, they’re so cute that I almost hate her because she makes me want to go get one or two of my own, and I already have a love/hate relationship with the cat our kids adopted four years ago. So, you know, there’s that.

She has Legs for Days

We all want amazing legs, and Taylor Swift has them. I once heard someone say they hate her because she has the most gorgeous legs ever, and I can see how that would be a problem for some. So if you’re going to hate on her legs, go ahead, but just remember that she’s still awesome.

Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images
